
Joy of Toy

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Very true. You don’t agree? Think of this….
What is the ‘value’ of “Padma” awards declared by Government of India? I don’t mean it in financial terms, but its overall weightage, relevance, meaning. Compare ‘Padma’ honour with ‘Sir’ OR ‘Lord’ honour given by British Government. There when ‘Sir’ OR ‘Lord’ is conferred to any person, then thereafter every single care is taken while addressing or mentioning that person in Public or even in private life.
Whereas we don’t even remember the name of the persons and which “Padma” honour has been awarded to him/her. Most of the times declaration of ‘Padma’ awards creates some or other dispute. Most of the times they are politically influenced, motivated and do not have any solid base.
Another example I give…..
Some time ago there was a huge noise created by the members of a particular political party over an issue of playing National anthem at the beginning of every show in Cinema Theatre. It might have been given them an advantage over the another political party during election campaign…. They got succeeded and playing of National anthem at the beginning of every show is made compulsory for each & every Cinema theater. Now my question is that thereafter any member of that particular political party or for that purpose any person has taken pain to check quality of print and the timing of National Anthem played at Cinema Theater?
Who ‘values’ for ‘such’ thing? Who has time for ‘such’ things? Once the political agenda of so called ‘Andolan’ is achieved, who cares?
Similar is the case of selling our own Tri-Colour flags, that too made of plastics, on the Independence Day & Republic Day by the street children, road side shops and even now by Malls.
Who cares? Who values?
Just think….. a hundreds of such things can be enumerated.
And then people just take pride in circulating, forwarding e-mails of how they know & care of things….
So if you don’t know how to ‘Value’ then don’t talk about Values & so on…

1 comment:

Foot and Motorcycle diaries!! said...

My gmail id is, glad u liked my blog