
Joy of Toy

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Yet another….???
The other day there was news about ‘The Beauty Pageant for Eunuch’ in various media. This will be first ever of its kind to be held in India at Goa in February.

So there is another ‘Contest’ where someone will be judged on the basis of ‘Beauty’. And this time it will be done with some one who needs more support than the so called ‘usual beauties’.
Ridiculous! Isn’t it? No, not because it is with eunuch, but because of the way they will be treated. I am not here to say what is ‘Wrong’ OR what is ‘Right’. Every one has their own view point. But, why people cannot think more supportive ways to make eunuchs to stand on their own feet independently, confidently and in a dignified manner?

My personal opinion is that, with certain within qualities, a eunuch if well trained is most preferable to get job as a Ward boy in Government hospitals OR in the private hospitals too. The management of the new generations five star Hospitals can think over it and can support the move. Even if well trained a eunuch can be act as bodyguard of VVIPS, security guard at malls, multiplex & other public places. So many other options on the similar line which can be given thought, worked out, tried out for them and implemented. The only thing which will come across in between the will power to do so and the implementation is ‘Money Power’. I am sure certain class of eunuchs must be earning hefty amount in life being eunuch but doesn’t matter. There is a bigger class of eunuchs who required the help to stand out in the society gracefully, respectfully and more important with satisfaction of happiness.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Welcome Move…
Copenhegen, Global Warming, Climate Change….. Suddenly these terms have become todays buzzwords. And why not everyone needs attention and wants to be in limelight. Everyone wants to show that what ever disscussions are going around, its ‘He’ who knows better than other. Great! But the most positive and welcome thing, I feel, that the discussion is on and peoples are thinking, participating and getting aware of the facts of ‘Global Warming’The 'Nature' has got its due attention.
Initiating campaign on an issue which is not only a national concern but also an international one is admirable and that too by a Political Party on the birthday of its National leader is exemplary. One may see political advantage out of it… may be…. But it’s very natural… and one can not avoid it… But what one has to look at it is that people have started discussing about it and thinking on it.
Actually there are soooooooooooo many things related to ‘Global Warming’, it may be related to local level issues, to national concern, or international concern, all can not be discussed here, but what we can do for it is more important. Atleast if a person on his own starts with himself acting to the cause of protecting Nature by simple acts like restraining excessive & unwanted printouts from computer, he can save paper, save trees and in the process can save nature. Small but result oriented acts by each individual will make such initiative worthy and sucessful.
Those who want to see only ‘political’ gain out of it have to ask themselves what as an individual they can do for the cause, keeping politics out of it, other wise they will also end up doing nothing but politics.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Among the reasons for poor voter turnout in the cities, particularly of the middle and upper classes, is the complaint that they have no real choice considering the poor quality of candidates and the poor public image of the parties these candidates represent. Secondly, many citizens believe that their votes are not really going to make a difference.

Since in the ensuing elections there is no provision for indicating rejection of candidates on the ballot, except a solution that already exists in the Conduct of Election Rules 1961. This not only gives reluctant voters a reasonable choice, but also ensures that their vote does make a difference.

Rule No. 49(O) in the Conduct of Election Rules 1961 says:

“Elector deciding not to vote - If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of voters in Form 17 A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer, and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark. “

In other words, a voter can go to the polling station and tell the presiding officer that s/he does not wish to cast her/his vote. The presiding officer will make a remark that the voter does not wish to vote and take the voter’s signature against his/her name in the register of voters (Form 17A). At the end of the day, the presiding officer will, in totalling the number of votes cast, also include the number of electors who refused to cast their vote. By doing so, voters make it clear to all political parties that they are not satisfied with the kind of candidates put up by them. Though they have done their duty as citizens by going to the polling station, they have not found anyone on the ballot paper who deserves their vote. This is the Protest Vote.

If large numbers of citizens exercise their franchise in this manner, political parties will be forced to be far more careful in ensuring they do not nominate crooks and criminals or incompetents as their candidates next time round. This in turn will see the emergence of honest and committed candidates getting into Parliament and state legislatures in the long run, thus leading the way to good governance.

so that voters have the option to say “None of the Above” after scrutinizing the candidates on the ballot.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009